It seems that at least one person noticed... Okay, I'll take that back! Only one person called me out on it. I have an idea a few others will give me "some feedback" during our next converstations.
Why did I have to go and make an "
Any Questions???" section on my site anyway??? Here was the Question for today:
Why haven't I heard from you in a while? I haven't had anything good to read. Are you hiding? lol
(Oh and thanks, RD, for the addition of a compliment! Very wise of you! Hahaha)
The ANSWER??? That is a tough one. I am obviously struggling. I am obviously ashamed that I am STILL struggling.
There is this song. I heard it first from Willie Nelson, but it was written by Paul Simon. It turns out many (many many) other artist have covered the song as well. It is a song I have wept with or to or because of and sometimes I've just listened to it when I knew I needed a good cry. It gives perspective. Perspective that EVERYONE has something to struggle with. The events in the recent past and most likely in the near future (as we are under a Tornado Warning right now)... remind me how much pain there is in this world. How much loss. Loss. Loss... It pains me just to type the word. Everyone experiences loss. The next step? That is the key! What do you do with the pain? What do you do with the empty space? Where do you go next? Who do you turn to?
We ALL need community! You can't stand alone! In my Faith, I am forever blessed to have someone by my side. BUT!!! Even as I say that... I want to emphasize that (even my God wants this for me), COMMUNITY IS NECESSARY! Hiding or avoiding community is not a step towards ending the pain. You know what else is necessary? ASKING FOR HELP from your community AND if you don't yet have the "community"? It's time to start building your own! And, RESTING when you are weak or weary is NECESSARY! That is on of the reasons we NEED community. We need people to call on when we are too weak or too lost! AND... Guess what? We need to be held accountable to others. Treat ourselves as we would treat others as well as treating others the way you would want to be treated!
So, yes. I let myself be swallowed up in LOSS. It is a deep place to get out of and takes more energy than I have at times. But, I am still working on it.
And... My name is Leslie and I go off on tangents sometimes... But, that is why I haven't been finishing posts lately. I am not going to read this again until it is posted. Otherwise... It could take another nudge before I post. Re-read once! Going to try and limit myself from going over and over and over again! Maybe I should just have y'all edit me? Just kidding! I realize the time involved in that project! Hahaha! I am hopeful that this will get me back in the game!
Oh! And, the song I was referring to earlier! It is a beautiful song. A powerful song.
I have links for a couple of the artists who have covered it... Amazing to hear the difference between each of them.
So... that might be more than a couple of versions? And a tiny bit of obsessive-ness showing... Anyway, praying for all of the LOSS being experienced these days. It seems like more all the time...
Next step? Shower and Therapy! Rain shower... and sheepish tornado preparation! Thank the Lord I didn't need to know what I was doing!!!
Good to visit again.
Your Favorite Oxymoron,